Cardrona Masters - New Zealand Awards

2024: No Race

Cardrona Giant Slalom Men - handicap time

Fastest handicap time for a man 55 years of age and over2021 - Changed to include all ages.

2024: No Race

Cardrona Giant Slalom Men - raw time

Fastest handicap time for a man under 55 years of age2021 - Changed to be awarded to the fastest man on raw time.

2024: No Race

Cardrona Giant Slalom Women Overall

Fastest handicap time for a woman

2024: Geoff Hunt

Cardrona Slalom Men - handicap time

Fastest handicap time for a man 55 years of age and over2021 - Changed to include all ages.

2024: Jack Cran

Cardrona Slalom Men - raw time

Fastest handicap time for a man under 55 years of age2021 - Changed to be awarded to the fastest man on raw time.

2024: Jen Crawford

Cardrona Slalom Women Overall

Fastest handicap time for a woman overall.

2024: Geoff Hunt

Cardrona Super G Men - handicap time

Fastest handicap time for a man 55 years of age and over2021 - Changed to include all ages.

2024: Rowan McDonald

Cardrona Super G Men - raw time

Fastest handicap time for a man under 55 years of age2021 - Changed to be awarded to the fastest man on raw time.

2024: Kerry Trevella-Hall

Cardrona Super G Women Overall

Fastest handicap time for a woman