Coronet Peak Masters - New Zealand Awards

2024: Geoff Hunt

Mens NZ Ski-ing Masters

Men fastest GS handicap time

2024: Geoff Hunt

2024: Julie Gibbs

NZ Skiing Masters Giant Slalom Women - now Super-G

Womens fastest GS handicap time. 2022: Changed to be awarded for Womens Super-G

2021: Guy Saxton

NZ Skiing Masters Hunt - Baddeley - Dykes Trophy Overall Winner Men under 55 (RETIRED)

Men under 55 fastest combined handicap time SG-1, SG-2, SL, GS. 2022: Under 55 and over 55 originally used different courses or start gates. This is no longer the case. The cup has been retired.

2024: Geoff Hunt

The Nigel Taylor Memorial Gold Cup NZ Skiing Masters Combined Mens

Men 55 and over fastest combined handicap times, Super-G, SL, GS

2024: Julie Gibbs

The Nigel Taylor Memorial Gold Cup NZ Skiing Masters Combined Womens

Women's fastest combined handicap times, Super-G, SL, GS

2024: Julie Gibbs

Womens NZ Ski-ing Masters

Women's fastest Super-G handicap time. 2022: Originally this cup was awarded for GS before being changed to the DH. Now the cup is being awarded for the fastest GS handicap time again.